Mark Roemer Oakland Unveils Christmas Decorating Ideas for Warm Climates

Everyone doesn’t get to spend their Christmas in a snowy and cold climate. According to Mark Roemer Oakland, there’s no need to feel down if you’re in a sunny and tropical location this Christmas. Here are some Christmas decorating ideas for warm climates:
The Decorations
1. Use colors from the ocean – If you are in a tropical home this Christmas, you should draw inspiration from the ocean to invite Christmas. Instead of red, green, and gold, the traditional Christmas colors, go for ocean-themed colors like whites, teals, and silver for decorating your home. Those tones bring a coldness missing from warm regions and bring you that Christmas vibe.
2. Ornaments from oceans – The traditional Christmas decorating ornaments involve balls, candy canes, and stars. There’s no need to force the same in a warm climate. Instead, you can stick to the beach theme. Starfish-shaped ornaments can replace regular stars, seashells can take the place of balls and beach dollars can replace the candy canes. These ornaments invite the outdoors inside your home and give you a unique Christmas. To further elevate the tropical theme, you can also get into Hawaiian shirts.
3. Artificial trees – Getting hold of a Scotch pine tree for Christmas in a warm climate is as rare an occurrence as winning the lottery. Instead, you can buy an artificial tree. An artificial tree is easy on your budget and stays the same throughout the year. Moreover, it leads to less environmental impact instead of buying live trees every year just for decoration. Decorate the tree with ocean-themed colors like blues, whites, and silver and you can also hide pine-scented fresheners inside the tree for that familiar smell every Christmas season.
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4. Breaking the tradition – You can also decorate your home with non-traditional trees like a small Palm Tree or any other tree more suited for the climate. Decorating them is easy and it helps you to drive home the tropical theme.
5. Tropical topper – Once you have the tree of your choice it’s time to choose the tree topper. Back home stars, angels, and ribbons at the top of the tree is the norm. However, you can mix in the ocean theme to keep things interesting. If you want to double down on the tropical theme you can always use a pineapple tree topper. They can be found in all sorts of colors including gold and silver. You can also use a mermaid at the top instead of the angel.
6. Yard decoration – Whether you have an artificial tree or a palm tree in your front yard, you can decorate it with Christmas lights to continue the tradition of decorating the outside of your home. If you’re lucky enough to live near the beach, you can build a sandman instead of a snowman and make its eyes and nose with seashells and seaweed.
Mark Roemer Oakland suggests that you experiment with tropical or other types of themes in Christmas when you don’t have the usual snow and cold climate, you’re familiar with.
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