Health & Fitness

How to Get a flat stomach Within Some Weeks: 4 Best Ways

Losing body weight is not enough. It could be possible that your weight is normal but you don’t have a flat stomach. So, here a question arises “how to get a flat stomach?”.

Many exercises can help you to get a flat stomach. Exercise is the best way to get your desired body shape. But the thing that needs to know is which exercise is best and how to perform that exercise to get a flat stomach.

Besides exercise, there are some other factors that also help in getting the desired body shape. So, here in this article, we will tell you how to get a flat tummy fast naturally, which exercises are best for getting a flat stomach, and what to do besides exercise to get a flat stomach.

How long does it take to get a flat stomach?

If you aim about any work, you need to know how much time will take that work to be done. In the case of getting a flat stomach, it’s important to know how long it takes to get a flat stomach. This will help you monitor your progress and check whether you are getting the desired outcome.

According to health experts, it takes around 18 months to lose body weight. But don’t worry! Here we will tell you how to get a flat stomach within some weeks. The workouts and other tricks will help you to burn a lot of calories and ultimately get a flat stomach. 

It could be possible that you are questioning yourself, how long does it take to get a flat stomach by exercising and how long does it take to get a flat stomach by running. Well, in the case of exercise, it can take 12 weeks and in the case of running for 30 to 40 minutes daily, it can take 6 to 12 weeks to get a flat stomach depending on your fat amount.

How to get a flat stomach?

Well, the workout is the best way to get a flat stomach because we are not only discussing weight loss. Weight loss can be done through many other procedures but getting the desired body shape requires proper exercise.

The below methods will let you know how to get a flat tummy fast naturally.


Exercise is one of the best ways to get a flat stomach or to get any desired shape of any body part. Doing 30 minutes of daily workouts can let you get a flat stomach within 12 weeks.

The only thing you need to know is how to get a flat stomach with exercise. Well, crunches are the best exercise to get a flat stomach. Crunches are the fastest way to get your desired result (flat stomach).

Here are the best exercises to get a flat stomach within some weeks:

  • Crunches
  • The Plank
  • Boat Pose
  • Bicycle Crunches
  • Climbing
  • Sit-ups
  • Scissor Legs

Manage Your Diet:

Most people think that eating less is best for weight loss. Well, this is not 100% true. You just need to know the right diet for your health.

Take a diet with less fat and high protein. Protein will grow your muscles. Avoid fast foods. Eat natural and healthy. Avoid a salty diet. Use only necessarily salt. Never drink alcohol. It is only harmful.


One of the best ways to get a flat stomach is 30 minutes of daily running. Some health experts say that a person can lose a lot of fat by running 30 minutes daily.

You can get a flat stomach within 6 weeks if you run daily for at least 30 minutes. We will prefer you to run both in the morning and evening.

Drink Fluids:

The last thing is to drink a lot of water. Water will flush away all the toxicity from your stomach. Only water is not enough.

You can also drink other healthy fluids like juice, milkshake, green teas, fruit juice, and vegetable juice.

Hope you have understood how to get a flat stomach fast naturally by using these techniques.

Also Read: How to burn belly fat

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