Is It True That Even Today You Can See What Others Like On Instagram?

Instagram has changed a lot of its features in recent updates. Previously, one could easily see what others have liked on Instagram on the app itself, but now there is no way.
So, has tracking the activities of others on Instagram become impossible now as the app got updated?
Does it mean that you can no more see what others like on Instagram?
Well, if you want to know how to see what other people have liked on Instagram, then let us tell you that finding this out is easier than ever! Yes, you simply have to have an Instagram tracking application.
For the application to work, you will have to link your account to it and see what your followers are doing on the platform. You can also track other public profiles easily with the help of these apps. But remember that, this can be performed only on profiles that are public and not private.
You can see weekly or monthly reports of their Instagram activities on your dashboard. The reports are also really easy to fetch. Besides, you get to know who is following whom, what they are liking, and other details too.
These tracking apps have become really popular among business houses and bloggers. It helps them to see what their audiences are up to. This would give them an idea about what they should or should not post. The type of post which gets maximum engagement from the audience is the ones that business houses would want to share more. Competitor tracking, trends, likes, hashtags, etc. everything can be easily found out with the help of these third-party applications. You can also use this for free online chat
For useful tracking and protecting your safety, you should find a tracking application that is –
- Reliable i.e. one that comes from a reputed company and has valid user reviews
- Provides a detailed and accurate report
- One that protects your privacy and keeps your information safe with them
Nowadays, there are plenty of Insta trackers that claim to be “good”, but not all of them deliver as per their claims. So make sure to choose the right app.