Cybersecurity 101 Why Online Safety Matters

In the past year, there were over 65,000 ransomware attacks against several companies. As our internet usage evolves, we become more prone to encountering cybersecurity threats.
So, we must understand the basics of cybersecurity 101. Internet users should ensure that they can protect their passwords and accounts. This short guide will ensure you can protect your passwords and keep your accounts safe.
Ensuring Online Safety
We are transferring more of our lives onto the internet. We continue to play games, communicate, and bank on online servers. As we do this, we transfer more of our sensitive personal information as well.
This information spans several communication devices including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Unfortunately, hackers and cybercriminals continue to try and gain access to this personal information.
Cybersecurity Hack
Individuals who are negligent of this information can succumb to these cybercriminals. Without this protection, hackers can cause severe damage to personal lives.
This can include a social media handle or business that you’ve put a lot of time and effort into building. Hackers can steal and sell this information.
This can include stealing personal photos and holding them for ransom. Or worse, threatening to share them without your permission. Hackers can also attempt to triangulate your position using your location-sharing services.
Keeping a Safe Account
There are many ways to keep your accounts safe and secure. It’s important to focus on password security and account authentication. Keeping passwords safe is an important part of the cybersecurity process.
First, it’s dangerous to use the same password across many accounts. It’s wiser to use a strong original password for each account. Certain management applications help securely hold these passwords.
Face IDs and two-way account authentication can help increase this password protection. Therefore, if a hacker accesses this password, they would still need to use other methods to access the accounts.
Mobile Device Safety
Keeping accounts secure also involves understanding mobile phone security. There are many ways to backup your personal information both on a desktop and mobile platform.
Aside from backing up files, attach a device locator to your mobile devices. That way, if your phone goes missing, you’ll have a way to track the location of the device. You can also lock the phone remotely if someone tries to enter the password.
Another backup protection method is to upload all your files to a mobile cloud service. With a backup, you can delete or factory reset your device at a moment’s notice.
You can also remotely freeze any banking accounts through banking applications through your mobile device. Banking applications can help provide added security to all your monetary information.
Embrace Cybersecurity 101
Protecting your account and securing your information is cybersecurity 101. It’s also important to backup or safely secure all of your files.
Neglecting this process can lead to your accounts and files getting compromised. If you add safety nets to your information, you can keep your personal life secure.
Follow our blog for more information about cybersecurity and protecting your account information!