Solution Of Hair Fall And Regrowth

If you look at your hair falling ratio goes to more and more, you must feel helpless. And I understand that feeling. Because a few days ago, I also faced that type of situation. After that, I have tried a lot of things. Lastly, I take a hair transplant in Turkey. Since I have lots of different experience, I know which way have which result. Today I am going to list all those things in this article.
Hair transplant
This is one of the proven and tested ways to hair regrowth. In this technique, the doctor picks hair from one portion of the patient’s body and grafts this to other portions (hairless are) of his body. Different FUE and FUI are also available in this method. Depends on condition and expectation, all those methods have been applied. And the happy thing is, hair transplant is a permanent solution for hair regrowth. This is the reason this is getting one of the popular treatments worldwide.
The PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. This is also an excellent way to hair regrowth. In this way, first of all, doctors keep out some blood from targeted people’s bodies. And then bring separate the Platelet-rich plasma from the blood by a machine. After the separation, the plasma has an implant under the skin of bald persons. And then it helps to hair regrowth. In most of the case, it needs more the 3 sessions, and this is bit expensive. Here I want to mention this is none of the permanent solutions where you have to take medicine regularly.
Some other solution also exists, such as using onion juice on the head or taking some therapy. Even there is some medicine to hair regrown also exist in pharmacy. Minoxidil is one of those. Those also work to hair regrowth. But the problem is that those are too slow and will take a long time to give you a good result. Most of the time, people leave before have a good impact. So that I can’t suggest you go for taking this.
Which is not a solution
Right now, we have a lot of reasonable solutions for hair fall or bald. Still, this is another way this is not a solution, and still, people will get this. Among them, Wig, black fiber powder is famous. Both of those have side effects on the human body and scalp in the long run. Those are nothing to me without consolation. Even some cases have become funny in this society. Rather avoid it and go for a real solution.
For my case, I took a hair transplant. It is a long process of hair regrowth. But I never had any more good solution without this. After taking a hair transplant right now, I am happy about this. This is working well for me. At the rest of everything, I want to say to you something that, if you’re going to do transplant your hair like me, then I must say you should follow some rules after transplant. Get ready for this mentally. Hopefully, you will have some good results from this.
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