5 Romantic Ways To Make Your Stay At Home Date Night Special

Between COVID restrictions and limited finances, going out for date night isn’t always a practical idea. However, that doesn’t mean you should let the romantic aspect of you and your partner’s relationship take a back seat. Instead, plan a romantic stay-at-home date night.
But how can you ensure your evening at home is just as magical and meaningful as one spent out on the town? We can help you there. Keep reading for five romantic stay-at-home date night ideas that are sure to make for a wonderful evening.
1. Hire a Sitter
First, almost all stay-at-home date night ideas can be interrupted (if not ruined) by children. We’re not saying kids are bad, but a crying child can quickly derail a romantic evening or kill an intimate moment.
For this reason, we highly recommend hiring an off-site babysitter for the night. This could be your mother, your in-laws, or a close friend. Having your kids out of the house will ensure peace, quiet, and privacy.
2. Put Your Phones Aside
Have you ever noticed that people seem to check their phones every five minutes? It doesn’t matter if they’re in a social setting or sitting on the couch watching TV, studies have shown that people check their phones 262 times a day. Like children, smartphones can easily come between you and your loved one.
As such, one of the most important stay-at-home date night ideas for married couples is to set your phones aside. If you have children, it’s okay to keep the phone in the room in case there’s an emergency. Otherwise, you shouldn’t be looking at your phones at all.
3. Set the Mood
For the most successful stay-at-home date night, you need to set the mood. This means creating a romantic setting that inspires you and your partner to connect on a deeper level.
This can include candles and other aromatic agents. For example, check out aromatechscent.com to find a whole list of sensual scents that can set the mood for your evening.
4. Prepare a Home-Cooked Meal
Next, think about cute stay-at-home date night ideas, like cooking at home together rather than ordering in. Preparing a delicious meal is a great way to change things up and spend time engaging with one another. It also tends to make the meal more meaningful and enjoyable.
5. Keep the TV Off
Finally, let’s talk about some fun stay-at-home date night ideas that don’t involve the TV. While dinner and a movie are classic date night activities, you likely watch TV together all the time.
Instead, do something more engaging where you aren’t just zoning out to electronics. This could include board games, romantic adult games, playing 20 questions, etc. Use this time to learn something new about your partner or experience new things with them.
Want to Create the Perfect Stay-At-Home Date Night?
As you can see, stay-at-home date nights can be just as fun and romantic as leaving the home, going out to dinners, and seeing plays. Take the steps listed above to ensure your romantic evening is a success.
And if you’re looking for more tips on relationships, lifestyle, or entertainment, you’re in the right place. Check out some of our other articles before you go to find more advice, guidance, and inspiration.