
Cannabis Advertising 101: 4 Tips and Tricks

Maybe you’ve recently opened a marijuana dispensary? Perhaps you’re looking to sell CBD products online? In any case, you need some tips on cannabis advertising.

Well, you’ve come to the right place. Here are 4 tips and tricks to help you amp up your cannabis marketing game.

1. Get on Google My Business

Perhaps the most important aspect of cannabis marketing is to get on Google My Business. By doing this, you’ll enable your dispensary to show up on Google Maps in your area. This way, when someone searches “cannabis dispensary [your location]”, your dispensary will appear in the business listings.

Getting on Google My Business is easy. Just click that link, sign up, verify your address, and you’ll be good to go.

2. Be Active on Social Media

Another aspect of cannabis marketing that you need to take seriously is social media usage. Just about everyone is on social media these days, and you need to be sure to take advantage of the fact.

Post statuses, display videos and pictures, and share articles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and any other social media platforms that are popular out there. Do this consistently and your following will grow over time. The more your following grows, the more sales you’ll make.

3. Engage in Email Marketing

A big part of growing a customer base is retaining past customers so that they continue to buy your products. The question is: how do you increase customer retention? The answer: email marketing.

Whenever someone buys something from you online, give them the option to sign up for email alerts. This way, you can send out offers through email, reminding past customers of your existence.

When doing this, it’s important to offer high-quality and trending products. For more information on what’s trending in the cannabis industry, check out this Brightfield Group CBD report.

4. Pursue SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This is a form of digital marketing that involves trying to get your website to rank at the top of Google search pages. If done right, it can bring your business substantial amounts of new traffic.

Therefore, if you want to facilitate a steady stream of new customers over time, you’re strongly urged to pursue SEO. This involves doing keyword research, creating content on a regular basis, obtaining backlinks from other websites, and getting local citations.

For help with SEO, consider consulting a digital marketing agency.

There Are All Sorts of Options for Cannabis Advertising

When it comes down to it, there are all sorts of options for cannabis advertising. While you should certainly consider the tips and tricks reviewed above, you should also brainstorm and think of alternative types of CBD marketing. In many cases, a unique marketing idea can be the difference between success and failure.

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