How to Make a Room Quieter in 7 Simple Ways

Houses make noises, but there are things you can do to lower them. This guide on how to make a room quieter in 7 simple ways.
Do you have a really loud room in your house? Well, on average it could cost anywhere between $1,000 and $2,500 to completely soundproof it.
If you can’t afford to spend that much money on redoing your room, there are several other things that you can do that are actually much cheaper.
If the sound is driving you crazy, here’s how to make a room quieter.
1. Choose the Right Decor
One of the cheapest ways to reduce noise in your home is to make sure that you have the right decor. The more objects you have in the room, the more they’ll absorb all the sound that comes from them. That means you have to strategically decide which pieces you want to decorate your room with.
The first thing you should make sure you have is drapes and curtains. They can really tie your room together, but the fabric will also stop the sounds from just bouncing off the wall. If you don’t want to hang up curtains, you could try hanging a decorative tapestry from somewhere in the room.
You should try and think of other ways to include fabric into the design of your room. This could include hanging a blanket off the back of the couch or a chair. Even adding pillows can really make a difference.
Rugs are also great at absorbing sound, especially if you have a hardwood or tile floor. You can even tuck it under the furniture to give it an accent-type look.
2. Fix the Door
One main way that sound bounces in the room (or escapes) is through the door.
Some rooms have a door with a hollow core. This means that it has a thin layer of wood on the outside, but inside, there is only a piece of plastic or cardboard. These doors don’t block out noise as well as a door made of solid wood.
While the first door will be cheaper and lighter, if you really want to block the noise out, you’ll have to get a solid-wood door.
You should also pay attention to the gap in the bedroom door. Depending on how big the gap is, the sound will escape under there as well and travel throughout the rest of the house. You can fix this by getting some rubber weatherstripping and attaching it to the bottom of the door. If you didn’t want to install that, you could also try getting a door sweep to keep the noise out.
3. Focus on the Windows
Aside from not having curtains on them, having a poorly-made window could also let sound in from the outside.
Check to see if you have single-pane windows. If you do, try upgrading to a double-paned window to keep out a lot of the outside noise.
After you don’t that, you should focus on the inside of the window. If you don’t already have them, first try installing blinds. Wood blinds are great at absorbing sound.
For those who don’t like the look of blinds, you could also get some fabric shades, which will also help to absorb some of the sounds inside your house.
4. Buy New Furniture
If you’ve done all these steps and your room still seems too loud, you could try buying some new furniture. The furniture you have in the room right now might not be very good at absorbing all of the sounds, so you might want to look into different styles and fabrics.
If you have wooden chairs or a leather couch, these won’t absorb much sound, so you should try getting fabric couches and chairs. Once you have the fabric furniture, you should also add pillows and blankets to them.
5. Install Energy-Efficient Appliances
Maybe a loud air conditioner is driving you crazy. Or maybe you notice every time the AC turns on.
Home appliances are a large part of the noisiness in the house, even if it seems like background noise most of the time. If your appliances are old, it might be time to put in the money to upgrade them.
When they’re energy-efficient, they won’t make as much noise, but they’ll also save you money on your electric bill as well.
6. Do Some Rearranging
Maybe the way you have your room arranged right now is helping to amplify the noise rather than absorb it.
It doesn’t have to cost much to rearrange your room, and you can just try different configurations to see how the different layouts affect the sound in the room.
For example, you could put something heavy like a dresser on an outside wall that faces the street. The dresser will absorb a lot of the sound so that it doesn’t get to you.
7. Get Some Acoustic Foam
If none of these strategies work and you just want an easy solution, you could also look into getting some acoustic foam for your room.
It might not be the most aesthetically pleasing, but it will absorb a lot of the noise in the room on its own. However, there are ways that you could disguise it or easily fit it into the look of your room. It comes in all kinds of different shapes and colors, so you can try and make it work.
If you get stuck, Pinterest has all kinds of ideas from other people who were just as frustrated as you were!
Discover More Ways on How to Make a Room Quieter
These are only a few ways on how to make a room quieter, but there are plenty more things you can try!
We know that interior design and home improvement can be overwhelming and stressful projects, but you’re not alone.
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