
The Top 10 Kingdom Businesses, Ranked

Welcome to Kingdom Business, the weekly ranking of the top ten kingdom businesses. This week’s ranking is brought to you by The Ministry of Entrepreneurship & Startups.

What is a Kingdom Business?

A kingdom business is a Christian-owned and operated business that seeks to operate according to Biblical principles. These businesses typically have a mission statement or core values that reflect their faith, and they may also seek to impact their communities in positive ways through their business practices.

There are many different types of kingdom businesses, but some of the most popular include churches, charities, Christian schools, and counseling services. Many kingdom businesses are also involved in social entrepreneurship, which is a term used to describe businesses that seek to solve social problems as well as make a profit.

The term “kingdom business” is relatively new, but the concept has been around for centuries. Early Christians were often known for their generosity and care for the poor, and many of them were involved in trade and commerce. In more recent years, there has been a renewed interest in kingdom businesses, as more Christians seek to live out their faith in all areas of life.

The Top 10 Kingdom Businesses

  1. The Walt Disney Company
  2. Sony Corporation
  3. Microsoft Corporation
  4. Google Inc.
  5. Apple Inc.
  6., Inc.
  7. Facebook, Inc.
  8. Alibaba Group Holding Limited
  9. Tencent Holdings Limited
  10. Comcast Corporation

So, What’s the Big Deal about a Kingdom Business?

A kingdom business is a for-profit company that exists to fund and advance the work of the kingdom of God.

The term “kingdom business” was first coined by Dr. Myles Munroe, who is the founder and president of the Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI). Kingdom businesses are for-profit entities whose primary purpose is to generate wealth in order to support kingdom initiatives and expand the reach of the gospel.

There are many benefits to running a kingdom business. First and foremost, they are an excellent way to fund ministry work. By reinvesting profits back into the company, kingdom businesses can grow and scale quickly, becoming a powerful force for good in the world.

In addition, kingdom businesses can serve as a training ground for Christians who want to enter full-time ministry. By working in kingdom business, Christians can develop their skills and abilities while also gaining real-world experience in running a successful enterprise.

Finally, kingdom businesses can act as beacons of hope in communities around the world. By providing quality goods and services, employing local residents, and giving back to those in need, kingdom businesses can help create thriving communities that reflect God’s love and care for His people.

How to Start Your Own Kingdom Business

If you’re looking to start your own kingdom business, there are a few things you’ll need to do. First, you’ll need to find a niche market that you can tap into. Once you’ve found your niche, you’ll need to build a strong branding strategy and create a recognizable brand for your kingdom business.

Next, you’ll need to build a website and start generating traffic. You can do this through SEO and content marketing. Finally, you’ll need to convert that traffic into leads and sales.

If you follow these steps, you’ll be well on your way to starting your own successful kingdom business!


No matter what business you’re in, ranking among the top 10 businesses in your field is an impressive accomplishment. The businesses on this list have worked hard to get where they are, and they continue to set the standard for excellence in their respective industries. We congratulate them on their success and look forward to seeing what they’ll achieve in the future.

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