Thin Out Your Closet With These 7 Tips
Overflowing closets can be a real pain. They can cause you to lose precious time when you are unable to find that clothing item or accessory you need for work or other purposes. The clutter in your closet can also negatively affect your emotional health.
According to an article from Verywellmind, too much clutter can physically and mentally entrap a person in a dysfunctional home environment. This environment can contribute to feelings of loneliness and displacement, as well as personal distress.
If your closet is full of shirts, pants, jackets, belts, shoes, and other stuff, downsize. Having a thinned-out and minimalist closet saves you time in the morning, as well as minimizes stress and frustration.
Here are seven simple tips to help get rid of the clutter in your closet:
- Categorize Your Wardrobe
Have a good think about the clothes you’re wearing and how you’re spending your time. You could, for instance, divide your wardrobe into the following categories:
- Vacation, resort or beachwear
- Office or corporate attire
- Weekend wear
- Formal attire (non-corporate)
Feel free to add more categories as necessary. Then, decide on the essentials you would like to keep for each category and pick a couple of “ideal” outfits for every scenario.
2. Remove Seasonal Items from Your Closet
If you have a lot of off-season clothes from your closet, get rid of some of them to free up some space. You could, for example, donate or sell clothing you did not wear last year.
Pro-tip: if you’re going to sell or donate your seasonal items, make sure that they’re clean. You could throw them in the washing machine, wash them manually or let professional laundry services take care of them for you.
Then, store the remaining pieces of clothing in a separate closet or another area of your house, such as the basement or the attic. This way, your seasonal items will not unnecessarily clutter up your closet.
3. Throw Out Clothes that Don’t Fit
If you are not sure the exact date and time you cleaned out your closet, there will likely be several items in that space that won’t fit you anymore. These ill-fitting clothing items may have shrunk or stretched over time.
If you have any of these in your wardrobe, know that they are weighing you down emotionally, mentally and physically. Don’t hold on to them. Pass them to a friend or a family member who can use them. Alternatively, you could give them to charity.
4. Reevaluate Your Current Trend Purchases
The fashion industry gets rich (and stays rich) because of one principle: fashion trends that are constantly changing.
Businesses in the fashion industry will not survive on individuals purchasing only the clothes they need. The industry, therefore, invents false need by boldly declaring new fashion colors and trends for every changing season.
You, however, don’t have to fall for the tricks used by companies in the fashion industry. Look for your favorite timeless fashion and begin playing by your rules.
5. Cut Down Your Need for Extra Accessories
If you’re clinging to a clothing item until you find and buy that perfect matching accessory, let that item go. One of the reasons clothes multiply inside the closet is the Diderot effect. This social phenomenon states that buying something often produces a spiral of consumption, which results in you acquiring more newitems.
Instead of holding on to clothes, look for pieces that complement your current accessory pile, and match them. After all, you’ll never be able to thin out your closet if you constantly add stuff inside it.
6. Embrace the Idea of “One”
Instead of owning an entire assortment, consider owning just your favorite blue jacket, handbag, belt and dress. A closet containing only things that you love and use will be a space that you’ll love to use every time.
7. Do a Sweep of Your Closet Every Week
Decluttering your closet isn’t something you do once in a while or whenever you feel like it. You have to commit to a weekly clutter sweep to keep this part of your home spacious and organized.
Spend about 10 to 15 minutes every week performing the following tasks:
- Folding clothes
- Hanging clothes
- Rearranging clothes that have fallen out of place
- Choosing clothes to sell or donate
All these activities will take a lot less time than you think if you do this regularly.
The clutter that’s in your closet can be a nightmare to look at. By following these seven best practices, you can whip your wardrobe back into shape and easily locate the clothing you’d like to wear for the day.
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