
4 Ways To Put Your Best Face Forward

Everyone wants to greet the world looking their best. That doesn’t mean that you need to look 10 years younger, but keeping your face looking healthy is essential. Here are a few simple and fairly inexpensive ways to make sure you look great at any age.

Keep it Clean

While it is important to keep your face clean to avoid breakouts and clogged pores, old-fashioned soap and water isn’t the way to go. Your skin has a natural layer of oil that needs to be maintained. Soaps can strip that away leaving your skin dry and irritated. The body may retaliate by over-producing oils and then you’ve got trouble.

To support your skin’s optimal PH balance, try a face oil instead. It might seem strange to add more oil to your face, especially if your skin is naturally oily, but it has its supporting benefits.

Watch Your Tone

Just like your abs, the muscles in your face could use a good workout now and then. Flaccid facial muscles can allow the face to sag which adds to the appearance of age. Face yoga is a simple and natural way to strengthen, relax and stimulate the muscles in your face giving it a natural lift. According to a study published by JAMA Dermatology, facial exercises can cause the face to appear younger when practiced consistently.

Another technique that seems to produce some positive results on appearance is the use of a facial roller. These are small rollers, often made of jade or crystal, that are smoothed over the face in an outward and upward direction. Medical News Today reports that facial rolling may increase circulation in the face and assist in reducing fluid retention which is the main cause of puffiness, especially in the area under the eyes. There is also some evidence that it can make the face appear firmer over time.

Give it a Rest

It has been said many times and is worth repeating that getting a good night’s rest is essential to health and wellness. Not getting enough sleep can also make you appear older and less vibrant. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine states that sleep deprivation can result in droopy eyelids, wrinkle production and under-eye circles, all of which will make anyone look older and less healthy. Getting at least seven hours of sleep consistently can counteract these effects and will offer significant health benefits as well.

According to leading dermatologists, your skin needs a break from makeup from time to time. Makeup can clog pores, cause dry skin, and often contains chemicals and preservatives that are damaging to your face. You might want to consider a full makeup detox a few times a year, but if going makeup-free for long periods is a deal-breaker for you, consider going natural on weekends only. If you simply can’t face the world without fixing your face, at least make sure you are removing your makeup thoroughly each night to allow your face to recover as you sleep.

Be a Little Shady 

Few things will age your face quicker than sun exposure. You must protect the delicate skin on your face whenever you spend time outdoors. The days of thick, paste-like sunscreens are over and many facial sunscreens go on as smoothly as your favorite moisturizer. If your skin is too sensitive for even gentle sunscreens, your best bet is to park yourself in the shade or create your own shade with a cute umbrella. Wide-brimmed hats are also effective in protecting your face, neck and chest from sun exposure and have the added benefit of being stylish.

Skin can look radiant at any age when it is healthy and taken care of well. Make sure you are cleaning your face correctly, getting enough sleep and avoiding sun exposure as much as possible. 

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