Technology Tips/News

How to Choose the Right Technology for Your Small Business Needs

Choosing the suitable technological needs for your business can go a long way in helping you and your company in terms of productivity, efficiency, and communication. Technology is ever-changing and makes everything in our lives easier with just a tap of the finger. Its role makes a lot of aspects of our businesses better.

But with the vast options out there, it can be pretty tricky to determine what technological necessities your company needs. You need to decide which one will help your business grow and which one to discard as another failed experiment.

Evaluate Your Business Needs

The answer to choosing the right technology relies on what your needs are in a business. Figure out what your company’s already excelling in and what it might lack.

These can be small things like factors that might hinder the workflow of the business. Lack space? Join the cloud. Cloud computing is a general term encompassing all data storage and access over the internet instead of your dedicated hardware. Managing funds? With tech, you can set up reminders, take note of receipts, and track investments. In matters of paying your taxes, you can employ the services of tax relief experts online so you won’t have to file taxes yourself.

You can also use accounting software to monitor business finances, share digital files with your bookkeeper, keep track, and possibly reduce expenses.

Don’t Underestimate Content Marketing

Most marketing software can help your business’ growth. Marketing software helps you make marketing plans, boost your social media presence, and promote your company using blogs, websites, and online promotions and advertisements.

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and many others have also helped many businesses with their promotional services. Blogs also give you a platform to share stories and relate your business to your target audience. With blogs, you transmit information that not only boosts traffic but garners an audience too.

Video marketing through Youtube, Instagram Stories, and Tiktok are recommended since people’s attention spans are getting shorter. Making video content for your business will have its target audience who prefers visuals, imagery, and a more fast-paced delivery with information.

Use the Right Communication Tools

Besides social media and popular communication business tools, email might be the best option. It is often disliked and undermined, but it might be the most efficient way of communication worldwide. Aside from that, it is instant, and everyone has an email address nowadays. It can be a great way as advertisements too. Newsletters, promotions, and building up a community by reaching out to clients are good ways to start.

You can send newsletters to staff members as well and communicate with them via email. If you want a platform similar to communicate with your team instantly, WhatsApp, Viber, and Slack are good options. Communicating with staff, asking for their feedback, and monitoring their progress can help engage and boost their productivity.

Other forms of communication like video meetings and teleconferences should no doubt be prioritized as well. Nearly 100 percent agreed that teleconferencing is necessary for businesses, especially with the COVID-19 virus still on the rise.

Go Mobile

If you need your work to be on the go, then better make it mobile-friendly. Paperless documents, aside from being environment friendly, can save you supplies and storage in the office. You and your staff can easily access it if it’s online, storing it in a drive or a remote application.

Selected apps give you the privilege to be in sync with the cloud. You can files anywhere on the go. A virtual phone number helps communicate with clients, especially if you don’t have internet or want to be responsive within working hours.

Tracking Productivity

Aside from constant communication, time tracking and project management software can be a good tool for learning where you spend most of your time. This can help you determine where you’re wasting time and where you can make necessary changes so your team becomes more productive.

A digital filing system or any document management software like Google Sheets, Docs, and others alike will save time for your employees, boosting productivity and organization.

Determine what growth looks like for your business and how technology can support that. Cloud technology will make your data more accessible across multiple channels. Online marketing, specifical blogs, helps you relate with your audience. Social media marketing and email present an opportunity for you to create more niche marketing campaigns with easily digestible content. Use the right communication tools to reach your team and your audience the right way. Use technology in your favor and see your business grow.

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