
Experts Appeal to the Shoppers to be More Vigilant against Scams While Shopping Online

Among the top-notch concerns of online buying is their safety issue. The web has become our regular tool for trading and gossiping along with consuming content. You can’t stop purchasing & shopping online from top websites, even though you are at the risk of experiencing online shopping scams. However, there is a lot more you can do to prevent your money. Also,  there will be no hijacking of your products as well. The web continues to reform your buying procedure, with retail applications adding to the online options of customers. Also, the COVID-19 pandemic is driving people now for shopping for a house in the droves. 

Do you know someone who has already got scammed online shopping? Then, you have the idea that cybercriminals are keeping the pace. Online shopping is the most usual type of scam, as per the reports to the BBB (Better Business Bureau). So, you should not forgo the endless selection and ease of online buying but take appropriate precautions for the same. 

What are online shopping scams?

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Online buying scams include scammers who pretend to be legitimate online sellers. They do it either with the fake advertisement on an authentic retailer website or with the fake site. While several online sellers are legitimate, unfortunately, scammers can utilize the Internet’s anonymous nature for online shopping fraud. Scammers utilize the current technology for setting up fake retailer sites that look like authentic online retail shops. They might utilize sophisticated layouts and designs, potentially stolen logos, along with the “” domain name. Besides, they can use ABN (Australian Business Number). 

Several of these sites provide you with luxury items like famous clothing brands, electronics, and jewelry at quite low rates. At times, you will get the required item. However, they will be fake, and other times, you will get nothing at all from these fraud online shopping websites. The major tip-off that the retail site is a scam is the payment method. Often, scammers will ask you for payment utilizing the money order. However, it is suggested to not send your money this way. 

How to prevent online shopping scams

Where to report online shopping scams

  • Only buy from safe websites – Check if the URL starts with an “HTTPS” because it means that the site is safe. The “S” indicates the extra security layer called an SSL/Secured Socket Layer. Shopping online from such secure sites always makes your online journey safe.
  • Perform research – Before you commit to anything, check out the site online. Look specifically for user reviews & badges from the customer security agencies. Take a look at the online shopping fraud statistics to know what the most common mistakes are done by people. 
  • Stay aware of the out-of-this-world offers – In case the offer sounds too good to be true, it maybe is. Is the weight loss product/health supplement makes grandiose claims? Or are the prescription drugs being sold at quite low rates? There is a high probability that you are purchasing an expired or fake product. This won’t only not work, but will also possibly endanger your wellness. Another recycled scam that never quite stops is the get-rich-quick angle. So, keep your eyes & ears open to avoid encountering fraud online shopping websites

File the complaint in case you bought from the marketplace, like Amazon or eBay. A majority of the online marketplaces are reputed so they will support you in investigating online shopping scams. Also, they will help you retrieve the stolen bucks or get the product accordingly. Yes, it is tough for getting your money returned to you after being ripped off online. However, there are a few chances of getting the money back. Have you ever ordered a product from the e-commerce retail store utilizing the PayPal account and got scammed online shopping? In case you didn’t get the order, then PayPal Buyer Protection can offer you coverage. However, there are certain limits to what they can do. 

Also, you must consider filing the police report in case you have been scammed while buying online. This way, you are enhancing your options of getting the bucks back through online shopping fraud. Your Credit Card Company or bank will possibly require a copy of the police report. Immediately contact the local police with the non-emergency number, and report the case to the computer-associated crimes division. 

What to do if you get scammed online shopping

If you know what online shopping scams are, then you should start following the right tips to avoid it.

  • Contact the Credit Bureaus – Do you think that someone has acquired your personally identifiable details, particularly your SSN (Social Security Number)? Contact every Credit Bureau for restricting your credit reports’ access. This is an important step towards How to prevent online shopping scams
  • Contact the Credit Card Companies and Banks – Did the scam include your credit card details/log-in credentials for the financial accounts? Contact your credit card firms and banks instantly for canceling your cards & receiving new ones. 
  • Submit the Complaint to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) – As per the online shopping fraud statistics, various people don’t pay heed to submit their complaints to the FTC. Before filing the police report, submit the report about the theft to the FTC. 
  • File the Police Report – Please note that the procedure to file the Police Report can vary as per your location. 

Now that you know Where to report online shopping scams, please take firm action if you are its victim. Fraud prevention security measures also improve the e-commerce brand’s success. More accurately, the failure to prevent the fraud scheme impedes the seller’s success directly. Wondering what to do if you get scammed online shopping? Take a look at the above-mentioned tips and make sure to be extra cautious while browsing the next time. Even for the stores, with e-commerce frauds rising, safety is the higher preference for online stores now than ever before. It is enthralling to shop online stuff like home & kitchen products and much more comfortably on the couch. However, you should do everything you can to avoid the risk of fraud in online shopping

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